IDD Insurances

Also this year Instructor Dive Development (IDD) has extended the collective insurances for all their members. What are these insurances and what is the use of them?

First, we have liability insurance for all members, Divemasters and Instructors (and above) of IDD. This insurance offers a primary coverage. This insurance also has a supervisor coverage. This is an important coverage when an insured has caused damage to things he or she owns on a regular basis due to rent or use and is held liable for this. The maximum coverage is €50,000 per occurrence. The liability insurance covers personal injury and property damage. The maximum insured amount is € 2,500,000 per incident, with a maximum of € 5,000,000 per year. The excess per incident is €125.

In addition, for all members, Divemasters and Instructors (and above) of IDD there is also a collective accident insurance. This insurance provides coverage as long as the accident occurred during a diving related activity.

This is described as follows in the policy:
The insurance is only valid for all underwater sports activities, including volunteer activities for the diving association or diving school, provided that all the working conditions and safety requirements are met.

Furthermore, this insurance is only effective during:

  • Participation in all events organised or taking place in the context of the foundation/association.
  • Participation in all activities that concern the interests of the foundation/association as described in the statutes.
  • The leaving home to the place(s) where the insured party carries out the aforementioned activities/activities and the returning home from that/those place(s), without interruption via the shortest route.
  • In the event of damage it must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the company that the name of the victim was on the list of members of the policyholder at the time of the accident.

Cumulative coverage

In the event of death, the amount of the insured sum is clear. In that case the amount is €5000. If you become permanently disabled as a result of diving activities, the amount of the payment will depend on your disability percentage. The higher the percentage of invalidity, the higher the payment, up to a maximum of 350% of the sum insured. The insurer uses a special table for this (Gliedertaxe). In theory, the maximum payment could therefore amount to €87,500. When a diving accident results in the costs of decompression treatment, these costs are also covered worldwide at cost price.

Daily allowance in case of hospitalisation

If, as a result of an accident, the insured party has to be admitted to hospital, he/she is entitled to a daily allowance if he/she is admitted to hospital for at least three consecutive days. The payment is € 10 per day. The payment is made for the entire duration of the hospitalisation. The maximum reimbursement for all hospital admissions related to the same accident is €250 per insurance year.

Damage to teeth

If as a direct result of an accident damage occurs to at least two teeth, the costs associated with dental or technical treatment will be reimbursed up to a maximum of 2 of the amount insured for permanent disability. If the dental prosthesis sustains damage to at least two teeth, entitlement to reimbursement is subject to medical treatment of the mouth or mouth contents.

Plastic Surgery

In the event of an accident the insurer will reimburse the costs of plastic surgery to treat the deformity, disfigurement or disfigurement resulting from the accident. The costs will only be reimbursed if in the opinion of a plastic surgeon there is a reasonable chance of improvement or recovery. The compensation amounts to a maximum of 10 of the sum insured under item B with an absolute maximum of € 5,000.00 per accident. If the above-mentioned costs are covered by another insurance policy or would have been covered if this insurance had not existed or if the costs can be recovered from a liable third party, there is no entitlement to this cover provided this treatment takes place within 2 years.


If an insured person dies as a result of an accident during a stay outside the Netherlands, Zicht bv will reimburse, in addition to the sum insured for death, the costs of repatriation of the mortal remains up to a maximum of € 5,000.

The above information is a snapshot. For more information we refer you to the current policy conditions.